
Peace Research Grants – IPRA Foundation


Proposals must align with the goals of the International Peace Research Association Foundation, which are to advance interdisciplinary research into the conditions of peace and the causes of war and other forms of violence. The application period is now open and will close on August 31, 2024.

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Publicada por: Autor NETCAPAZ

Fecha de publicación: 2024-07-23 11:44

Call for papers for a special issue on 'Professional Capital in Communities Experiencing Political and Social Conflict'


The purpose of this special issue is to provide perspectives on how educators in classrooms, schools, and broader communities are innovatively, creatively, and productively engaging with school communities impacted by conflicts. Closing date for manuscripts submission: 19th August 2024.

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Publicada por: Autor NETCAPAZ

Fecha de publicación: 2024-07-17 13:38

Revista Ciudad Paz-ando – Convocatoria para recepción de reseñas


La revista recibirá reseñas de libros sobre paz y conflicto hasta el 2 de agosto de 2024.

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Publicada por: Autor NETCAPAZ

Fecha de publicación: 2024-07-17 13:23

Urban Matters Journal – Call for papers: Monuments and counter-monuments: Collective construction of located memory


The Journal seeks contributions that explore the relationship between the practices of truth-telling, verbal thinking, and the material transformation of contexts of collective memory creation during political mobilization. Deadline: August 15, 2024.

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Publicada por: Autor NETCAPAZ

Fecha de publicación: 2024-07-16 12:09

Convocatoria – Encuentro de Estudios Críticos de las Transiciones Políticas: Naturaleza como Sujeto de Dolor


Se recibirán propuestas de ponencias y mesas de trabajo que aborden los aspectos neurálgicos de las relaciones entre “naturaleza”, “territorio”, “territorialidad”, “dolor”, “violencias de corta y larga temporalidad”, y sus formas de cuidado. Cierre de convocatoria: 15 de agosto de 2024.

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Publicada por: Autor NETCAPAZ

Fecha de publicación: 2024-07-15 11:31

Request for Applications: XCEPT Conflict and Climate Research Fellow


Fellows will conduct research on three broad areas of thematic focus: Conflict and climate across borders; Stability and governance in borderlands; Enablers of conflict and peace across borders. Deadline: 23:59 BST on Monday, 19 August 2024.

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Publicada por: Autor NETCAPAZ

Fecha de publicación: 2024-07-11 12:11

Scholarship opportunity – MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies


The University of London has established the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship to support an outstanding student who might not otherwise be able to gain access to the MA in Refugee Protection and is resident in a country in the Middle East or Latin America. Deadline: 4 August 2024.

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Publicada por: Autor NETCAPAZ

Fecha de publicación: 2024-07-10 10:42

Civil Wars – Call for papers


The Journal welcomes submissions for its special issue on 'Funding Insurgency and Rebel Governance: Financial and Business Models'. Deadline: 1 August 2024.

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Publicada por: Autor NETCAPAZ

Fecha de publicación: 2024-07-08 12:13

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